Claudia Baena


Instant Favelas

project developed by Colectivo Macrame
Eloisa Avila...Industrial Design, scenography
Claudia Baena... Fine Arts, photography        
Andrés Villa...Industrial and interaction Design
Paulina Velasco...Graphic and editorial Design
Hans Leiderscher...Architecture
Natalie Oren...Architecture  

Award: Agentur +Z. ZHdK, 2011
Mentor: Dominik Lämmli
Support: Agentur Z+, ZHdK
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK
Department Theater, ZHdK

Instant Favelas is a transdisciplinary project that simulates a nomadic city made of street found cardboard, staging a new situation into the ur-ban landscape of Zurich. Our direct inspiration are the Favelas (Brazilian term), urban settlements that grow around metropolis in a chaotic way, representing informal and irregular settlements. And the creativity from the inhabitants to build ac-cording to their necessities and economical capacities, using residuals ma-terial and adapting their constructions to the topography.Instant Favelas develops during days, and is build with freehand collabora-tors. It becomes a trigger for thinking and reflection about different aspects that shape and define a city, such as urbanity, space, society, culture, so-cial interaction and revaluate public spaces. It is a laboratory where other people are invited to make an intervention in the sense of a collaborative response to the project.

- a low tech factory ( a garage)
- cardboard
- tables with matrixes
- cutters
- adhesive tape
- Glue- palets

We collect cardboard from the city, garbage that speak about the consumption’s systems and ways of life from the place. Then we manipula-te the material creating walls that work like bricks. The constructive system is made of 3 different sizes of walls that are arranged following a pattern, which allows the Instant Favelas to grow into different sizes, depending as well on the site and the quantity of people involved in their construction.Finally the nomadic city is inhabited through interventions that attract the public. The public can see and take part in the process of development. The process is open and inclusive.

The assembly of the Instant Favelas and their interventions will be a result of the collaboration of a transdisciplinary team of different discipline:  
-Disciplines that transform space: Their intervention consists of the modi-fications and adaptations of physical space, creating sensory perceptions.
-Disciplines that generate new dynamics between users and viewers: Their intervention consists on generating direct contact and interaction with and between users and spectators.
-Disciplines that create the documentation of the phenomena that is ta-king place in the favelas.

Some of the interventions were:

«The exchange» by Silvio Faieta, Artist
«Playground noises» by Andrés Villa Torres, Interaction designer.

«The musicians» by Thomas Ospelt, Artist

«Favelas no paraíso»by Sampaio do Nascimento Lopes,  repórter de guerra, Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro

«Mico Rex» by Enrique Romero and Jorge Ramirez, Sound Artists Sound art project from Mexico City.
Live coding.

«No Title»  by Sarah Rutschmann, graphic designer

To all the Interventors.
To STARKART/Gessnerallee/Kunsthof
To all the people was involed for the Text redaction and translation: Saghi Gholipour, Niels Walter, Whitney Sparks, Wolf Schmerzl.
To all the Hausdienst from the ZHdK, who give us all the support bei technikcal and stategies things.
And many people from the ZHdK, like Richard Müller and Christoph Schenker.
To all the people was involded in several times on the built process and dokumentation.
To Erich Fässler for giving us many ideas for the contruction.
To Sarah Rutschmann for helping with the grafiks.

Print Publications
“Zett”, Magazine der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste. 2012. Kunst & Medien, Seite 28.
“Mind The Gap”, Kunsthof Zürich, Materialien und Dokumente 1993-2013. Instituts für Gegenwarts-Kunst, ZHdK. Seite 1101.

Digital Publications
Theater der Künste, ZHdK, 2012.“Mehr als nur Pappe”, von Dominik Wolfinger, 2012.